
General interactive visual analysis tool for multi-scale computational magnetism.

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User friendly

Enjoy the combination of Command-line-interface, WebUI and DesktopUI


Denoising, Clip, Rescaling, try the visual exploration and data mining with SpinView!

Feature-rich 3D visualization

Visualize your simulation result with glyphs, e.g., sphere, cone, arrow, plane, box, and any 3D models generated by yourself. Overlap everything including recontructed mesh and isosurface.


Currently support .out (UppASD), Non-binary .ovf (Mumax3, OOMMF, Spirit), and .data (Vampire) output files and can easiy extend to other magnetic simulation code.


Take snapshoot, rendering a trajectory video, make a protable interactive HTML file with only one click!

Community support

Open-source (GPL V3) and free to use, based on Python, Pandas, Numpy, Scipy, Trame, and Pyvista.

Contact author: Qichen Xu, qichenx@kth.se